Thursday, November 04, 2004

Election Denouement

November 4th, 2004

in 1720, King George of Great Britain grants the Mlosh of the colony ship that landed in Ireland British citizenship. This moves rankles the Irish, who have been chafing under British rule for centuries. Before long, though, they come to appreciate their alien neighbors, as the Mlosh help them win independence from Britain.

in 1828, President Andrew Jackson wins reelection after the abolition of the Electoral College allows him to be popularly elected. The people support Jackson fanatically; so much so that, when he dissolves the Congress dominated by his opponents, they muster in the streets of Washington to keep the National Republicans from organizing support against him. When Jackson outlaws the opposition party, though, he goes too far, and it ignites a civil war between the rival political factions.

in 1856, Walt Whitman, 37-year old journalist from New York, is elected to the presidency at the head of the Communist Party ticket. Whitman brings the Marxist-Thoreauvian political theory of the 1840’s to life, and leads America to a brave new world of social justice. While there are some bumps along the way, Comrade Whitman is still remembered as one of the finest presidents to serve the country.

in 2637 AUC, the first representatives from Vinland took their seats in the Senate in Rome. Vinland had been considered a barbaric province for so long that when the Vinlandians appeared in the latest Roman finery, several observers reported being shocked that they hadn’t come in loincloths and tattoos. The sophistication that the first Vinlandians presented to the Senate helped them bring their province up to full equality in the Republic by the end of the decade.

in 1922, Howard Carter discovers the tomb of Tutankhamen in Egypt. When Carter brings King “Tut’s” mummy out, he brings to life an ancient curse along with it. Within a year, every member of Carter’s expedition is dead, and the mummy of Tutankhamen has vanished. Bedouins in the desert often tell tales of seeing the ancient Pharoah returning to his dusty grave.

in 1924, Thomas Edison, who had run against his better judgement, is defeated in the presidential race by Progressive candidate Robert M. LaFollette of Wisconsin. Edison, who had run as a Democrat, was relieved to have lost, and in his memoirs even claimed to have deliberately sabotaged his campaign. He became a good friend of President LaFollette’s even backing him in his 1928 race for reelection.

in 1952, in an astonishingly tough campaign, Governor Adlai Stevenson of New York defeats General Dwight Eisenhower for the presidency. Governor Stevenson’s slogan, “Let’s talk sense to the American people” outshone the unimaginative “I like Ike” of the opposition, and his articulate vision for the future gave people far more confidence in his ability to lead the nation.

in 1980, after defeating incumbent President Ronald Reagan for the Republican presidential nomination, Representative John Anderson of Illinois takes on Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts in the general election and emerges triumphant. Anderson’s liberal Republicanism is almost a 180 degree turn from Reagan’s conservative activism, and it inspires many young people who had been turned off by the old-line conservatives to take a new look at the Republican Party. Anderson easily won reelection in 1984, and his ideals continued to shape the party for decades after.

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