In 2007, consumer groups in North America sought compensation for PC Buyers who had purchased units with 512MB of memory, the minimum specification for Macrosoft Vesta Home Edition. Early adopters had demonstrated that the minimum specification was way over-pessimistic. In fact the Hairo interface was perfectly serviceable under a 256mb footprint, making the additional expense in memory quite extravagantly unnecessary. |
Rasta | In 2007, not for the first time, the Academy experienced technical problems with the web site. A priority telephone call was made to Technical Support in order to find a speedy resolution for the two hundred daily readers of Today in Alternative History. |
Long delays were experienced due to a miscommunication from the British representative at the Academy, "the limey" historian shouted The problem is our threads locked causing the support ticket to be requeued and assigned to the Rastafarian department at, located in "Babylon and Ting". |
![]() Jim Marrs | In 1988, Jim Marrs' published Oswald's Confession. Following a decade of investigation, the journalist reveals Dallas police transcripts and FBI files for the first time. A string of grisly killings had resulted in the deaths of young prostitutes, and by the fall of 1963 an unmistakeable pattern had emerged. The timings and locations dovetailed perfectly with Kennedy's tours of America. Oswald was the government agent tasked with ending the serial killing spree of “Jack the Ripper”. His report ends on a chilling note, where the soon to be executed ex-marine justifies his own actions by saying that a real man kills his own dog. |
In 1940, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill made a series of rash promises to Australian Prime Minister John Curtin. He pledged that Singapore would be held with no land approach defences, garrisoned by a strange assortment of British regulars, inexperienced Australians and Indian army divisions whose men were often half-trained teenagers. Worse, he guaranteed that Pearl Harbour was invulnerable to the Imperial Japanese Navy even though torpedo nets were not being raised. He had not become the King’s First Minister in order to preside over the dissolution of the British Empire, said Churchill. However that is precisely what happened. | ![]() Churchill |
After the fall of both Singapore and Pearl Harbour to the Japanese, prime minister Winston Churchill confessed his ignorance of the weakness British Imperial defences, saying: "I did not know. I was not told. I should have asked." It was a lesson he tried hard to learn from as he sought to plan the defence of Port Stanley in the Falkland Islands, where he and the remnants of the British Royal Naval had fled to in 1942. | |
![]() General | In 1963, General Duong Van "Big" Minh confessed his role in the conspiracy to overthrow the Government of the Republic of Vietnam two days before. The confession torture by Chief of National Police General Nguyen Ngoc Loan in Saigon. Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem and his younger brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu are enraged to learn of the CIA involvement in the plot and immediately commence back channel communication with the President of North Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh. |
In 1952, the electorate rejects the Republican presidential candidate, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and vice-presidential candidate, Senator Joe McCarthy. Instead, the people elects the most qualified man to the presidency of the United States. But then the president fires FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, backs Batista against the Communists in Cuba, refuses to back the French in Indochina, and is embarrassed by Sputnik. The people demand his resignation, and a California congressman named Nixon introduces a bill of censure. Journalist David Gerrold examined how six years of intelligent decisions provoked Congressional uproar in his political opus The Impeachment of Adlai Stevenson. | ![]() Stevenson |
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