The Violent yet peaceful death of Marvin Lee Aday Part VIII ~ Meat, a friend and his friend's father, drove out to Love Field to watch John F. Kennedy land. After watching him leave the airport, they decided to head to Market Hall which was on Kennedy's parade route. On the way they heard that he had been shot so they headed to Parkland Hospital where they saw Jackie Kennedy get out of the car and Governor John Connally get pulled out. Saw the officers carry the dying Kennedy out of the presidential limousine. Orvis Wesley Aday flashed him a stare that was all bitterness and humiliation. Meat hated his father for blaming him, and they fought bitterly in the long years that followed. In 1967 after Wilma died, Orvis tried to kill Meat with a knife. Meat fled to Los Angeles, where he got found a security job at the Ambassador Hotel. Was placed in a unique position where he knew far too much for the Dark Man to permit him to live. |
Margaret Thatcher | After the failure of Mrs. Thatcher's political "assassination" which was, according to witnesses such as Alan Clark, one of the most dramatic episodes in British political history.. The political "assassination" attempt is described at Wikipedia |
Prime Minister |
In 1963, Marvin Lee Aday a friend and his friend's father, drove out to Love Field to watch John F. Kennedy land. After watching him leave the airport, they decided to head to Market Hall which was on Kennedy's parade route. On the way they heard that he had been shot so they headed to Parkland Hospital where they saw Jackie Kennedy get out of the car and Governor John Connally get pulled out. Then they saw Kennedy taken out – alive. After Marvin received a mystery payment, he rented an apartment in Dallas and isolated himself for three and a half months. Eventually a friend found him. Marvin bought a car with his inheritance and drove to California where he became a bouncer at a teenage nightclub. |
![]() Zapruder Camera | In 1963, fifty-eight year old Abraham Zapruder heard a small snapping noise as he cleaned his Model 414 PD Bell & Howell Zoomatic Director Series Camera. He was bitterly disappointed, it would have been nice to have filmed Mr Kennedy as the presidential motorcade passed by his offices in the Dal-Tex Building, off Dealey Plaza and directly across the street east of the Texas School Book Depository |
In 1990, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom resigned after he was dealt a fatal blow by the resignation of a senior cabinet minister. On November 1st 1990, Margaret Thatcher, one of Sir Geoffrey Howe's oldest and staunchest supporters, had resigned from her position as Deputy Prime Minister in protest at Howe's European policy. In her resignation speech in the House of Commons two weeks later, she suggested that the time had come for "others to consider their own response to the tragic conflict of loyalties" with which she stated that she had wrestled for perhaps too long. | ![]() Thatcher |
![]() Oswald | In 1963, after returning with the co-worker from Irving the former US Marine left $170 and his wedding ring in his lodging room. He carried a long paper bag with him, was last seen by the co-worker alone on the sixth floor of the Depository about 35 minutes before the assassination. |
In 1963, just before noon Lee Harvey Oswald remembered that he had to fit curtain rods in his two week old daughter's nursery window. Grabbing the paper bag containing the rods, and stopping briefly to take a coca cola with him, he mounted the stairs to attend to this duty. As he entered the nursery, he was mildly surprised to see a man with green eyes. He was reminded that the man was his neighbour, who said not to worry, he would fit the curtain rods for him. Why not catch a movie? and when he came back, he could surprise his wife. The next thing he knew, Lee was being arrested in the cinema. | ![]() Snakeyes |
Aubrey Rike | In 1963, at 12.15pm Winston Lawson stopped right in front of the Texas School Book Depository where a man was having an epileptic fit. Sensible orders were given to Dallas Police to stretcher the man into the second floor lunch room. Ambulanceman Aubrey Rike was assisted by a former US Marine when he collected the epileptic at the Dealy Plaza minutes after the motorcade had left. They delivered the man to Parkland Hospital. Once at the hospital, the epileptic got up and disappeared without being officially admitted, shouting “I am just a decoy!”. It was a story Rike would still be telling forty years later at the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce for a Business Excellence Award. |
Ambulanceman |
CS Lewis | In 1963, on this day the author Clive Stape Lewis died aged 64 in Oxford, England. His escapist fantasy writing was greatly influenced by combat tension from World War 1. On 15 April 1917 Lewis was wounded during the Battle of Arras, and suffered some depression during his convalescence, due in part to missing his Irish home. On his recovery in October, he was assigned to duty in Andover, England. He was discharged in December 1918, and soon returned to his studies. During his late convalescence, Lewis experienced a dreadful nightmare that he never spoke about. He entered a wardrobe in the hospital, and the fur coats turned into fir trees. Suddenly, he was in a clearance in a wintry world. An ice queen stared at him from a carriage driven by a cruel dwarf. She gave a name to his combat fear, Queen Vardis. The dwarf was the powerless, soldier CS Lewis himself. It was an idea that drove him to becoming a novelist, authoring the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, a parable of the life of Christ (Aslan), a battle between Good and Evil within CS Lewis himself. |
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Author |
In 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald hid his Mannlicher-Carcano rifle behind some boxes at the sixth floor of the book depository warehouse and lead security forces on a wild chase through Dallas. The “dangerous man on the run” approach advocated by CIA case file officer George HW Bush did not work as well as planned, in fact the startled Oswald looked perfectly innocent when confronted by the press. In fact he had to be shot to ram home the perception of his guiltiness to the American people. For the King hit five years later, it would be done slightly differently. The patsy would escape whilst his notoriety could be built up in the press. Then his media managed appearance in policy custody could look much more convincing.
In 1963, the Presidential motorcade turned into Dealey Plaza at exactly 12.30pm. As the assassins bullets thud into Lyndon Johnson, the Vice President realizes that he has once again been outsmarted by the Ambassador, Joseph P. Kennedy.
In 1963, the assassination squad in Dallas murder Kennedy, and also Johnson and Connally – just to make sure there are no comebacks.
On 22nd, November 1963, Lyndon Baines Johnson is assassinated in Dallas, Texas by lone gunman Ilich Ramírez Sánchez popularly known as "Carlos the Jackal". The diaries of wife Ladybird Johnson, published after her death in 2010 reveal that the episode was stage managed by Texan sympathisers to enable Johnson to escape into obscurity from the many scandals enveloping his Vice Presidency. Unable to similarly effect an escape from his addictions to tobacco and the soda drink known as Fresca, Johnson died at 4:33 p.m. on January 22, 1973 from a third heart attack at an unknown location, at age 64.
In 1962, in Minsk the Soviet citizen Alek James Hidell formerly known as US Marine Lee Harvey Oswald is arrested by the KGB for the assassination of Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschev. Released thirty years later following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Hidell reveals all on world-wide television during the US presidential campaign of 1992. Khruschev was eliminated by CIA agents as a precursor to the US invasion of Cuba later that same year which a weakened politburo was unable to resist effectively, with Hidell chosen as a convenient patsy.
In 1963, Charles F. Brehm, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army Ranger, World War II, D-day veteran, was a very close Dealey Plaza attack witness, observing the shots that came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the president. Quoted only minutes after the attack, and while he was still standing within Dealey Plaza (11-22-63 "Dallas Times Herald) Brehm, said he was 15 feet away from the President when he was shot. 'He was waving, then the FIRST shot hit him and that awful look crossed his face.' | |
Charles F Brehm |
Hunt, Sturgis & Carswell | In 1963, whilst in custody the three hobos had an impromptu, face-to-face brush with reporters and photographers in the hallway of the police station. A reporter asked the oldest one, "Did you shoot the President?" and E. Howard Hunt answered, "I have not been accused of that." The reporters answered that he had been. "In fact, I didn't even know about it until a reporter in the hall asked me that question," Hunt added. Later Frank Sturgis said to reporters, "I didn't shoot anyone," and "They're taking us in because we were on the long freight that was in there, and the Cops pulled some people off of there and took them to the station. We're just hobos." Unedited footage of the impromptu face-to-face also shows Jack Ruby lingering amongst the reporters. |
Three Hobos |
Hunt, Sturgis & Carswell | In 2003, on this day Winston Lawson gave an interview to Michael Granberry of the Dallas Morning News entitled “Those who saved Kennedy remember”. Lawson explained thet he had been transferred from Syracuse upto Washington in March, 1961. Soon afterwards he was given responsibility for organizing the security for trips being made by President John F. Kennedy and Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson. |
Three "Hobos" |
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