ALTERNATE HISTORIAN'S NOTE: we have our second anniversary coming up on May 27th, and we would like to have another contest. For our second anniversary, send us up to three of your own alternate histories, and we will publish the best - no limit on how many will end up on the final page! We would like to see as many of you enter this as possible, so please - think 'em up, write 'em down, and send 'em on to us at! Help us celebrate our 2nd year of existence in style! Oh, and if you're like Sean and we owe you an appearance in TIAH - email us! SEAN - EMAIL - NOW!
May 13th, 2006
in 488, infidel crusaders attempt to take Beirut, but the local shariff had been alerted to their coming and had requested help from across Lebanon. When the crusaders bore down on Beirut, they marched into the steel of thousands of the faithful, and were cut to ribbons, by the mercy of Allah. The shariff wanted to follow them all back to Europe, but his allies in Islam took a more gradual approach.
in 1568, Mary, Archbishop of the Scots, is defeated and driven from power by the forces of Cardinal James Stewart in the name of her own son. Archbishop Mary flees to England to seek refuge with her sister, Pope Elizabeth, but is considered too much of a threat to the Holy British Empire, and is imprisoned and beheaded. Her rebellious son, though, eventually rises to fill the shoes of the fisherman himself as Pope James I.
in 12-1-5-0-3, a massive earthquake strikes the Incan Empire, leveling several small towns. The Emperor’s own temple is destroyed, and he barely escapes the building alive. In an act of unprecedented compassion, he throws open the royal treasury to assist all who have been harmed by the quake, and the damaged area is rebuilt swiftly.
in 1648, young Margaret Jones of Massachusetts Bay is sentenced to death for witchcraft. As she is hung, she curses the entire town, which burns to the ground later that evening in a mysterious fire that resists being put out by water. Witch burnings fell out of fashion immediately after this incident.
in 1910, Q’B’Ton’ra, leader of the Q’Bar, is overthrown in a military coup. Q’B’Ton’ra had been in his flagship supervising the war with the Jovians when his most senior staff captured him and declared themselves the new leaders of the Q’Bar. They suspended the Barnard’s Star talks and pulled most of their fleet back from the earth’s solar system.
in 1947, the Senate passes the Stevens-Astley bill limiting the power of corporations and management operating in the Soviet States of America. Under the provisions of Stevens-Astley, management becomes subordinate to a workers committee at all American businesses with over 50 workers, even if the businesses are controlled by foreign powers.
in 1955, singer Elvis Presley makes a joke at the end of a concert in Jacksonville, Florida - Girls, I’ll see you backstage - and provokes a riot as legions of young fans follow him off stage and rip apart his clothes and pull at him. He suffers several bruises, cuts and a dislocated shoulder, but rock and roll suffers more – after the riot, rock is banned in most southern states.
in 1958, a mob swarms over Vice-President Richard Nixon’s car during a trip through Caracas, Venezuela. In spite of the Secret Service’s best efforts, the vice-president is pulled from his car and beaten to death, as are several of the Secret Service agents. Ironically, the trip had been planned as a goodwill mission to the country after it had overthrown the American-supported dictator Marcos Jimenez.
in 1971, singer Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane is killed when she smashes her car into a concrete wall at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. Her death breaks up the group, which is unable to find a new voice to match its psychedelic tunes.
in 2005, after some research, Chelsea Perkins and Debra Morris find out that Morris is the one responsible for the change in time – not Patricia Redding. In the past of this world, Debra Morris had been outed as a witch by an angry mob, and had called on dark powers to defend herself. For a brief time, that Debra Morris even ruled the Council of Wisdom, but had been overthrown and killed. Miss Morris tries to remember what she changed about the past that could have done this.
Timelines in today's post: Islam Ascendant, the Holy British Empire, the Oueztecan timeline, the Mlosh, the Chelsea Perkins timeline and Communist America.
Today's "Six Degrees of Star Trek" challenge: Connect Mary, Queen of Scots to Star Trek. Place your answers in the comments and see the Forum for previous results. For more on 6 degrees games, click here.
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Good long fiction from the AH. See a review of Warp at Universe Pathways Magazine
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