ALTERNATE HISTORIAN'S NOTE: we have our second anniversary coming up on May 27th, and we would like to have another contest. For our second anniversary, send us up to three of your own alternate histories, and we will publish the best - no limit on how many will end up on the final page! We would like to see as many of you enter this as possible, so please - think 'em up, write 'em down, and send 'em on to us at! Help us celebrate our 2nd year of existence in style! Oh, and if you're like Sean and we owe you an appearance in TIAH - email us!
April 28th, 2006
in 1442, Pope Edward IV of the Holy British Empire was born in England. His 22-year reign should have marked the end of the infamous War of the Roses, but the devilish Lancastrians were not put down even after two decades of holy rule by their cousins, and seized power from his brother Richard shortly after Edward's death.
in 1789, the crew of the Bounty staged a mutiny against its captain, William Bligh. Although the crew were captured when they attempted to resupply in Tahiti, Bligh and 18 crewmen loyal to him were never found after being set adrift in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Fletcher Christian was found guilty of mutiny and murder and was hung in full view of all sailors at the docks of London.
in 1818, President James Monroe builds up the naval bases along the Great Lakes as a defense against the British colony of Canada to their north. Hostilities between the two countries led to the development of the longest hostile border in the world today as the twin superpowers of America and Canada stand off against each other.
in 12-14-2-12-0, the Chickasaw and Choctaw tribes surrender their communal lands to the Oueztecan Empire. They had maintained their own tribal government for almost half a century, but with their land infested by Oueztecan colonists anyway, they saw no further need in pretending that they had control over the land.
in 1915, another meeting with the Kainku leaves Admiral Esteban Rodriquez feeling that he has come a long way for nothing. The Kainku seem to be a peaceful, advanced people who would never foment chaos in another people. He prepares a scathing report to send back to the Congress of Nations in which he accuses the Q'Bar of blaming any people but themselves for their troubles.
in 1965, in an effort to prove that he believed in bolstering democracy rather than just shoring up anti-communist allies, President Lyndon Johnson sends over 20,000 US troops to aid the Dominican Republic's reformist leader, Juan Bosch. The action endeared Johnson to all of Latin America, and even provided cover for him when he withdrew American forces from Vietnam later that year.
in 1969, Charles de Gaulle is deposed in a bloody military coup in France. His violent solution to the Algerian rebellion had made him highly unpopular, and the military felt that he was vulnerable. The General Staff ruled France in a government modeled after Franco’s in Spain until they themselves were overthrown by the Second Revolution and the birth of the 6th Republic in 1995.
in 1970, Comrade President Gus Hall approves the expansion of the Chilean conflict to the Bolivian bases of the South Chilean guerillos. Although officially denied for years, this expansion raises anti-war sentiment throughout South America and contributes to the region's turn from communism to the reactionary expansionism of the European capitalists.
in 1976, after a dismal run of just a few months, the musical A Chorus Line closes on Broadway. It had been hoped that the inside look at the world of Broadway auditions would be a hit with New Yorkers, but they apparently thought of Broadway musicals like many people thought of sausage – they loved them, just didn't want to know how they were made.
in 1987, Tony Bennett’s top-selling Art of Excellence was released on vinyl rather than CD. This marked the beginning of the end for the compact disk format which had briefly flourished in the 80’s. The expense of the players for the small musical disks placed them out of the reach of virtually all consumers.
Timelines in today's post: the Holy British Empire, the Oueztecan timeline, the Mlosh and Communist America
Today's "Six Degrees of Star Trek" challenge: Connect A Chorus Line to Star Trek. Place your answers in the comments and see the Forum for previous results. For more on 6 degrees games, click here.
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Good long fiction from the AH. See a review of Warp at Universe Pathways Magazine
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1 comment:
Michael Douglas (Zach the director) was in The Sentinel with Kiefer Sutherland...
... who was in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me with Ray Wise...
... who was in TNG.
- Sean Demory
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