Saturday, December 18, 2004

Death Arrested For Murder; Piltdown Man Found

December 18th, 2004

in 1859, Victorian poet Francis Thompson was born in Lancashire, England. His poems describing the trials of the last decade of the 19th century, the Hounds of Heaven saga, became classics across the solar system. Although they were very harsh towards the Mlosh for their part in what had happened, he denounced the racist groups that attempted to use his poetry to bolster their cause.

in 1878, John Kehoe arrived in Washington, D.C. The Irish-American had been elected to Congress from Pennsylvania after his work organizing coal workers for the Communist Party. He went on to be a strong force for justice and social change in America.

in 12-13-6-1-5, Quetzilopoctl, greatest of the high priests of Quetzlcoatl, is born in Tenotchtitlan. From an early age, he had displayed a desire to join the priesthood, and his faith so impressed the local temple that, even though he was of low birth, they allowed him to join in their rituals. When he saved the Emperor in a battle, the Emperor appointed him High Priest and named him a noble of the empire. The songs that he wrote in praise of his god are still sung in ceremonies today.

in 1889, Mikhail von Heflin, living in Paris under the assumed name of Pierre Delaroche, is arrested for killing Miguel Los Santos, a Spanish immigrant who kept a small bakery near the Notre Dame Cathedral. While awaiting trial, “Delaroche” escapes from his cell and flees the city. He decides to leave France for America.

in 1912, Sussex, England produced its most famous inhabitant with the discovery of the Piltdown Man by amateur paleontologist Charles Dawson. The million year old missing link between man and ape proved that the Englishman was the first civilized creature in the world.

in 1916, Astrid Pflaume seized the opportunity granted her by the German defeat at Verdun to organize her small cadre of Jewish fighters into the core of a larger group. Her cries of freedom and equality for the Jews struck a chord throughout Europe, and young Jewish men were soon flocking to her cause. She reported back to neo-Nazi superiors in the future that their plan was working well.

in 1943, guitarist Keith Richards of the Gathering Moss was born in Dartford, England. On his fortieth birthday, he married actress/model Patti Hansen, whom he is still married to, today; a shockingly stable marriage for a man of his reputation.

in 2003, Templars arrested a group of Estellians who were attempting to blow up Buckingham Cathedral. The Pope’s spokesman trumpeted the action as the true face of Estellianism; violent, murderous and conspiratorial.

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