Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hard Luck In This Timeline

Alternate Historian's Note: Yesterday, I received the news that I, along with a large number of people that I have worked with for over ten years, will be phased out of our jobs beginning in December. I'm one of the lucky ones that gets longer, but will still be let go.

So, I don't feel very inspired today, and am going to take this morning to indulge myself rather than work on TIAH. I'm sorry for the interruption in the Lascaux timeline, but we'll get back to it tomorrow, when I've regrouped myself a bit. I'll also have a guest historian entry appearing tomorrow, thanks to Steve Payne, so check back then - I promise to be more my old self.

Oh, and if you've ever wanted to buy any of our merchandise, now's the time. The links are all over the page.

Thanks, everybody.



Anonymous said...

Oh man, that blows. I hope that it ends in a better situation for you with as little fuss and stress as possible...

Alien Truther said...

Thanks - I hope it all goes better, as well!

TIAH Editor says we'd like to move you off the blog, if you're browsing the archives - and most people are - more than half of them are already on the new site. We need to be sure the new web site accomodates your archive browsing needs because we don't want to lose any readers. Please supply any feedback or comments by email to the Editor and please note the blogger site is shutting on December 1st.