Sunday, September 17, 2006

Peace In The Middle East

The state of TIAH

September 17th, 2006

in 1571, the combined English, French and Spanish fleets smash into the Aztec ships attempting to leave Europe for their home back in North America. Emperor Mectezuma at first simply tries to outrun the Europeans, but the wind is against him, so he orders his sailors to “leave not a single ship on the water to show that these barbarians ever dared to challenge our might.” The Aztecs fought without mercy, but the Europeans were spurred by the outrage of London, and had the advantage of better knowledge of the coastal waters of Great Britain. As his fleet's numbers began to dwindle, Emperor Mectezuma ordered his ship's captain to leave the battle and continue sailing for home. The sight of the Emperor fleeing combat demoralized the Aztecs, and gave cheer to the Europeans, who redoubled their efforts. It is said that if the Emperor had stayed an hour or two longer, the tide would have turned in his favor, because the European fleets weren't doing as well further away from his ship; but near Mectezuma, his sailors weren't very successful. With the fleeing of Mectezuma, the Europeans were able to take the day. Over half of the Aztec ships were sunk in the battle, a dozen fled after the Emperor, and a score were taken captive by the Europeans.

in 1978, President Jimmy Carter of the United States forges a peace treaty between two implacable enemies, Egypt and Israel. With the signing of the accords at the White House, Israel exchanges the Sinai Peninsula for an alliance with the Egyptian people. Although the treaty is denounced by more radical Muslim nations, Egypt is ready to give up the useless struggles with Israel that they have been through over the last three decades. President Carter then goes to work on the issue of the Palestinians within Israel's occupied territories, and in 1979 comes up with a plan for two nations within a single border, in which local governments are chosen without reference to the nation they belong to, and Palestinians and Israelis live side by side. Derided as a Utopian fantasy at first, it gains more respect after Carter wins the Nobel Peace Prize for his work the previous year, and Yassir Arafat, leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, says that he will support the initiative. That November, when there are troubles around the American embassy in Iran, Arafat and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat step in to defuse the situation and keep the Americans in the Teheran embassy safe. The American people, grateful for this assistance, put great pressure on Israel to agree to the Two-State Solution, and in July of 1980, the lands of Israel and Palestine begin history anew. President Carter, having accomplished the minor miracle of peace in the Middle East, is reelected by an almost 2-to-1 majority in the 1980 elections, and uses his second term to promote anti-poverty measures in America and around the world. He left office with more good will worldwide than any president since Theodore Roosevelt.

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