Thursday, December 29, 2005

Note On International Visit TIAH Day

Alternate Historian's Note: It has been pointed out that by having IVTIAHD (International Visit TIAH Day) on New Year's Day, we would only find out how many of our readers weren't hung over from the previous night's festivities. Therefore, we will be moving IVTIAHD to January 3rd, and turning the feed back on January 4th. Put us on your calendars now...


Anonymous said...

Why don't you just count unique IP's downloading your feed? It seems pretty unlikely that people are going to remember to actually visit your site if they're accustomed to reading it via a feed, so your count isn't going to be accurate, anyway.

Alien Truther said...

If I actually hosted the site instead of using blogger as my host, I might be able to do that - but I have no way of seeing the hits my atom feed is getting. Anybody know of a way to do that through blogger?

TIAH Editor says we'd like to move you off the blog, if you're browsing the archives - and most people are - more than half of them are already on the new site. We need to be sure the new web site accomodates your archive browsing needs because we don't want to lose any readers. Please supply any feedback or comments by email to the Editor and please note the blogger site is shutting on December 1st.