Monday, March 06, 2006

Buonarroti Born; Stalin Succeeded By Malenkov

ALTERNATE HISTORIAN'S NOTE: Please send us entries for our next contest, which will be an Alternate April Fool's Day, April 1st, 2006. Just send us the entries for now - we'll decide on a deadline later. (Contest rules) And, another cool thing - Let us know where you are on Frappr!

March 6th, 2006

in 1123 Post-Creation, Kiria, the para-angel who has started worshiping Lucifer as a god, holds a service in his name, and it is attended not only by a crowd of para-angels, but by a couple of full angels, as well. Lucifer, who tells himself that he is only temporarily on the Throne of the Most High, feels the strength that their praise gives him, and becomes dizzy with the power. He knows that he must stop this soon, or it will grow out of control.

in 1475, Michelangelo Buonarroti, the greatest artist of his generation, is born in the village of Caprese, Italy, Holy British Empire. His talent was noticed by the clergy at an early age, and he was convinced to move to London, where he created such great works of art as the Ceiling of Buckingham Cathedral, depicting the creation of the world.

in 1619, the father of the Scientific Romance, Cyrano de Bergerac, is born in Paris, France. Fascinated with science and humanity’s foibles, de Bergerac wrote classical pieces such as A Voyage To The Moon and Other Worlds, novels so popular that they turned the literary world upside down. Soon, all serious authors were penning novels about fantastical journeys to other planets and the strange people that we would find there.

in 1886, comrades of the Knights of Labor took control of Southwestern Railroad. Decadent capitalist Jay Gould was forced to give control of the company to the railroad workers who were its lifeblood. This was the beginning of the Worker-Owned Company movement that swept across the nation in the 1890’s and cemented the power of the Communist Party.

in 1945, Dutch members of the Greater Zionist Resistance, who had lasted longer in Europe than any other branch of the G.Z.R., captured Lt. General Hans Rauter of the New Reich. They were actually just attempting to hijack his truck for supplies, but were able to use him as a hostage to secure enough cash and supplies to run their resistance for years afterward.

in 1953, Stalin is succeeded as leader of the Soviet Union by Georgi Malenkov, a close associate. Unlike Stalin, Malenkov proved to be a reformer, and hard-line elements in the Kremlin decided that he needed to go. He was ousted as Party Secretary two weeks later, and then replaced as Premier in 1955. Incensed at this affront, he staged a popular coup against new Premier Nikita Kruschev in 1957 and returned to power. Although still a reformer, he mercilessly purged the Communist Party of all those who had been involved in his ouster, and ruled the Soviet Union until his death in 1988.

in 1995, Allied bombers begin making runs over Washington, D.C. President Ralph Shephard retreats to a bunker in West Virginia, where he micro-manages the movements of U.S. troops fighting the invading forces. Although his plans are terrible, none of his generals dares to go against him, and thousands of American soldiers die needlessly.

in 2004, the Huygens, the exploratory vessel sent to Titan and commanded by Charles Meriweather, enters earth orbit in preparation for landing. Protocol requires a quarantine ship hold the crew and contents of the ship while they’re being scanned for dangerous organisms, and one is launched towards the ship. The quarantine crew is never heard from again, and the Huygens begins plummeting toward earth.

in 2005, intensive study of the spell Lights of the night sky enhanced has led Chelsea Perkins to believe that it will function as a telescope, allowing her to see the stars more clearly. Still, she asks Alma May Watson's advice before attempting the spell. Miss Watson, somewhat perturbed by the adventures Chelsea has put her through, advises her, “Burn that book, that's my advice.”

in 2005, several police of the Claw community that Dave & Jeanne Lange and their fellow Save Earthers have been trying to infiltrate try to round them up. The Langes escape with one of their compatriots, but the other two are captured. The free SE members manage to spirit themselves back out of the town, but lack of food and water is beginning to wear them down.

Timelines in today's post: the Fall, the Holy British Empire, Communist America, the GZR, the Ralph Shephard timeline, the Chelsea Perkins timeline, The Sheridans and The Claw.

Today's "Six Degrees of Star Trek" challenge: Connect Fahrenheit 451 to Star Trek. Place your answers in the comments and see the Forum for previous results. For more on 6 degrees games, click here.

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