ALTERNATE HISTORIAN'S NOTE: TOMORROW IS APRIL 1st! We NEED you to enter our next contest, which will be an Alternate April Fool's Day, April 1st, 2006. This is your LAST chance! Don't delay! (Contest rules) And, another cool thing - Let us know where you are on Frappr!
March 31st, 2006
in 1492, King Ferdinand issued a decree that all Jews in Spain should renounce their faith or be exiled. A small group of Jewish sailors and merchants approached the King with a daring plan; if they found a new route to India, one which didn't require the arduous sail around Africa, he would make Spain a welcome place for those of their faith. Ferdinand agreed, and the leaders financed the sail of 5 ships to the west, captained by an Italian navigator by the name of Cristobal Colon.
in 1596, Rene Descartes thought he was born, but was he, really?
in 1776, at the urging of his wife Abigail, John Adams encourages his fellow American rebels to entertain the idea of women having full rights of citizenship in their new country. With the promise of such freedom, women across the colonies give their full support to the United States that the rebels speak of, and the young nation becomes the first in the world to grant the fairer sex full participation in society.
in 1889, a handful of Parisians attended the dedication of the Tour Eiffel, the 1000-foot tall tower designed by Gustave Eiffel to honor France’s revolution of 1789. The wrought-iron eyesore has few visitors today, and sticks out like a sore thumb in the heart of Paris.
in 1948, 43rd U.S. President Al Gore, Jr. was born in Carthage, Tennessee. After the contentious 2000 elections put Gore into the White House with a popular vote victory but a contested electoral vote win, Republicans fought him tooth and nail until they lost control of the House in the 2002 elections, and then the Senate when Gore won reelection in 2004.
in 1952, Mikhail von Heflin and his lover Velma Porter sail the survivors of their ship to the Libyan coast, where they are forced to crashland. The Baron and Miss Porter leave them after firing off a few flares to alert anyone passing that they need assistance.
in 1959, Tensin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama and leader of the Tibetan people, surrenders to Chinese authorities who have taken control of his small country. When he is executed as an enemy of the state, Tibetans begin a 7-year uprising against Chinese rule that eventually drives out the communist power, but leaves Tibet in ruins.
in 1990, President Ralph Shephard authorizes the Atlantis Project, a systematic program to sink enemy ships in the western hemisphere. Led by the nuclear carrier Atlantis, the project destroyed almost a hundred enemy vessels and killed thousands of sailors.
in 1991, the Honduran Pact, a military organization of the Central American nations that formed a buffer zone between capitalist Brazil and the communist Soviet States of America, formally dissolved its membership. With the wave of capitalistic experimentation going on in Latin America, most member states no longer saw a need to protect themselves from their new trading partner.
in 2004, with their exterior, super-cooled chamber filled with methane crabs and the parasitic Projection Virii, Jacob and Livinia Sheridan’s ship takes off from Titan and heads back to earth. They have some high hopes about genetically engineering the P.V. into a more useful citizen of the solar system.
in 2005, at a press conference he has hastily pulled together, U.S. Representative Carl Worthington announces that he is a member of the Save Earth movement, and that he has himself observed alien activity in the higher echelons of government. When their broadcast is jammed, some of the reporters surge forward and capture Worthington, while a few who have been convinced by Worthington help his assistant, Jeanne Lange, escape.
Timelines in today's post: von Heflin, The Sheridans, Communist America, The Claw and the Ralph Shephard timeline
Today's "Six Degrees of Star Trek" challenge: Connect 1492 to Star Trek. Place your answers in the comments and see the Forum for previous results. For more on 6 degrees games, click here.
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Who was the Italy of the Ralph Shephard timeline?
Mexico, although I haven't had it appear that often.
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