Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Visions Of A Spider From Heaven

October 20th, 2004

in the Dreaming, visions came to all of the wise men that they should gather underneath the backbone of the night after the next full moon; a spider would be dropping his web down from the heavens, and those with courage could climb it.

in the 14th year of Ankrus’ reign, the slave poet Homerus is born. By virtue of his beautiful tales of the gods of his people, Homerus rose to a position of prominence in Ankrus’ court. The blind man never left the Pharaoh’s side, even unto death; when Ankrus was entombed, Homerus was beside him, to sing him songs of the gods on his journey to the underworld.

in 1592, William Shakespeare entered his play Richard III into the Stationer’s Register. Although it is widely believed to be one of his top 3 plays, it was never performed in his own time because of its favorable portrayal of King Richard, whom the reigning Tudor family had unlawfully usurped at the end of the War of the Roses.

in 1731, in what was probably the last display of purely Mlosh-against-Mlosh violence on earth, a small faction following the Mlosh leader Zri’Tam’a attempted to gain control of the main colony ship in the Sahara desert. The main body of the Mlosh fought and killed this faction, and they were notoriously tight-lipped about the incident for the rest of their lives. Many human historians, reading Zri’Tam’a’s journals afterwards, have come to the conclusion that she wanted to take control of the earth away from the humans, and the majority of the Mlosh were unutterably opposed to such an action, fortunately for humanity.

in 12-14-5-3-5, Utehuanoco charts the motions of the planets and devises his theory of stellar dance. He explains that stars are objects of great mass which distort the space around them, causing anything within the distorted space to move and sway to the rhythms of the stars. This revolutionizes astronomy in the Oeztecan Empire, and leads to advances in their study of space.

in 1942, prominent African-Americans in Durham, North Carolina, issue the Durham Manifesto, calling on white Americans to stand for racial justice and end the scourge of hatred spreading across the country. Lynchings were at an all-time high, fanned by the fires of the German Underground’s war in Eurasia and the American Bund’s efforts to turn non-Aryan Americans into second-class citizens. While many reasonable people were swayed by the heart-felt plea of the manifesto, reason was not the emotion that was carrying the country away. Most of the signers of the manifesto were themselves lynched shortly after its publication.

in 1950, Wilson Whitaker of Hadenfield, New Jersey, started a company selling treats to children from a truck he drove around his town. One of the treats he sold was an old recipe that he was surprised had never caught on - ice cream, a confection made by freezing cream mixed with plenty of sugar and flavorings. Whitaker wrapped the cream around sticks and covered them with chocolate, but always ended up with plenty left over at the end of the day. He stopped selling them after a few weeks; but his Candy Van, as it became known, has become a neighborhood fixture across America.

in 2003, rumors of Estelle Gerard fly around London as the Templars tear the city apart to find her. They do succeed in finding her mother, Sylvie, who is brought to Buckingham Cathedral in chains. Pope Righteous I announces that she will be burned at the stake for witchcraft the next morning, and commands all good Christians within the Holy British Empire to view her suffering.

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